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About Ingrida Danyte

Around 2012, Ingrida's life took an unexpected turn. she experienced severe insomnia, which persisted for a decade. It was during this challenging period that she embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery, leading to somatic therapy—a path that ultimately transformed her life.


Ingrida began her journey into understanding the living body in 2017 at the Linda Hartley Institute for Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy in Vilnius. While studying there, she also trained in Authentic Movement Discipline with Cornelia Schmitz in Germany. This practice became central to Ingrida's life and work, fostering a deep sense of recognition and a passion to connect with her inner truth daily. Guided by Cornelia, Ingrida explores mystical experiences and applies this knowledge to support her clients on their life journeys.


Ingrida is interested in nervous, endocrine, and immune systems, applying Polyvagal theory to daily life. She specializes in helping clients with psychosomatic symptoms and disruptions in bodily cycles. 


As a member of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association, Ingrida adheres to high standards and ethics. Learn more at

Holistic Approach

Ingrida's holistic approach extends beyond traditional therapy, encompassing mindfulness, meditation, and body-centered techniques to foster profound healing and facilitate inner transformation.


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